Tuesday, April 15, 2008

curioser and curioser

I found out today that I'll be honored with some other students at a dinner next month by the organization that brings together/umbrellas the campus groups for students of color, queer students, and low-income and first generation college students. This is completely shocking to me because I barely do anything on campus (most of my time has been spent doing academic work or being a research assistant, I've been woefully inadequate with my participation in these groups), so I'm wondering if they've made some kind of mistake (or if the clout of one of my favorite professors has somehow enabled me to get this award). Of course, there's always the (strong) possibility that I'll be getting the same award that a friend of mine got last year--which is solely reserved for students of color who don't really do campus groups but focus on academics. We shall see.

In other news, I saw Melissa Li and Kit Yan of the group Good Asian Drivers perform. They were funny and absolutely fabulous, and I would definitely urge you to check out their myspace (which is linked on the website) and to attend their show, if possible. Here's my favorite piece that they did:

As for the ex, the visit went pretty well all things considering, minus some awkwardness when we were at the rugby social. See, socials are basically an excuse to drink (read: get smashed) and socialize after the game, which is a problem when you don't drink and also don't know anyone there. In hindsight, it was probably not the best choice of an activity, but unfortunately, it was also the only thing that was going on at the time. Ah, the perils of attending a small school in the suburbs!

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